My work with schools most commonly focuses on a number of key areas. Primarily it is based on teaching and learning with technology, purposeful and effective approaches to using technology in the classroom, leadership support around digital strategy and what the evidence says works when it comes to technology in…
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Anyone who knows my work in education and technology will know that it always starts with either the pedagogy or how it can improve systems and/or processes. A great starting point for that is to take a good long look at the evidence. This can come in many forms such…
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"The key is in not spending time, but in investing it." - Stephen R. Covey There are many acronyms and buzzwords in lots of different professions; I would argue none so much as in education. Whether it’s important you know the difference between your SIP and DIP or how to…
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The BETT show is not just about finding out about new technology, it's about the professional learning opportunities you can get and of course the networking. As this short poll I created last night on Twitter shows, people love to attend edtech events and it isn't just about the technology:…
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