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Free webinar series and resources designed to help schools with #edtech

By CPD, Digital Strategy, EdTech, Leadership, Learning, Resources, Uncategorized No Comments
My work with schools most commonly focuses on a number of key areas. Primarily it is based on teaching and learning with technology, purposeful and effective approaches to using technology in the classroom, leadership support around digital strategy and what the evidence says works when it comes to technology in…
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Lots going on to share at ICT Evangelist

By CPD, Distance Learning, Food for thought, Learning, Learning, Positivity, Remote Learning, Social Media, Twitter 3 Comments
Sometimes, just changing how you do things can really help you move forward. You’ll have no doubt noticed that I haven’t posted a blog for ages. And you know what? It wasn’t just me being lazy, honest! I’ve actually been working on writing my new book, which I’m already excited…
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Five ideas, approaches and attitudes to help you with #edtech in 2021

By CPD, EdTech, Leadership, Learning, Learning, Online Learning, Remote Learning, Work with me No Comments
It’s that time of the year to be reflective and to think ahead and make plans. Reflecting back on 2020, one of the few silver linings, as noted by many, was the huge inroads into the progress made by the teaching profession in improving both their confidence and competence in…
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