Welcome to Day 20! We are fast approaching the end of what has been a fantastic Appvent. Today’s entry has been provided by Ronan Mc Nicholl, Head of Digital Learning (Prep Schools) at Berkhamsted School. I have been using DKfindout! for quite some time in various schools. I really like…
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It gives me great delight to share now>press>play as today’s entry on the Appvent Calendar. As you’ll know if you’re a regular reader of my work or sharing on social media, my view is that technology provides the opportunity to improve many things but it can also improve absolutely nothing,…
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There’s no getting away from what a difficult year it has been for everyone the world over. With Collins Dictionary making their word of the year ‘lockdown’ it is a clear sign of the times. Whilst other words such as ‘’Rona’ or ‘unprecedented’ or ‘the Vid’ might have also been…
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A few months ago I was approached by Seneca to deliver a Teachmeet (as a webinar) as part of their TeachMeet series. When I agreed and was asked what I would like to share about I thought what better way than to share some evidence-informed approaches to using technology. I…
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A while ago I wrote a post which signalled a solid baseline level of ten things every teacher should be able to do with their iPad. It has been very popular and a recent resurgence in its popularity at the beginning of the academic year shows it is still just…
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There's no getting away from it, oracy is an essential skill. It is something that can be taught and there's a pretty firm evidence base for it given the research quoted in this paper. Add to this the impassioned article here explaining: "What is oracy and why should every child…
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I'm a great believer in taking lots of small steps to make a bigger gain. Incremental improvements that you get better and better at through deliberate practice is one of those things that make us better teachers in the classroom. Often when it comes to technology, one of the biggest…
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I taught a lesson today. Ok, so it was somewhat artificial. I was working for Apple at their national RTC (regional training centre) conference at the Belfry near Birmingham. One of my sessions there over the two days was looking at a new App they have called Apple Classroom. It really…
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Firstly, a massive thank you to the many people who chose to come and see me in my session. It is such a privilege to be able to share in this way and I massively appreciate you coming to hear me talk. In a move to stop the fetishisation of technology…
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As noted in some of my tweets recently I am undertaking some work with Independent Thinking on the Isle of Man this week. It's a really exciting project. My part of it is looking at what it takes to be a modern educator. I obviously have my points of view…
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