I was reminded last week on the power of Twitter which brought together 250 education professionals to London for #TMLondon. Selfies, trending, hashtag, learning and sharing all took place and not only were there 250 teachers there, there were more than 200 viewing online at the same time too. It…
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Great lessons have key characteristics. Many edu-bloggers have discussed the characteristics of great lessons but for me, the one person that nails it is as discussed in my introductory post to this series is Tom Sherrington. In his series he discusses the topic in some detail across ten posts. In my series I will…
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My presentation for #TMStockport was quite a difficult choice. Knowing who else was speaking and the topic of use of technology, I wanted to do something on purposeful use - yes... I know... but I had an inkling that their host @ICT_MrP would probably cover that, so I went for…
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If you haven't noticed, whilst I love technology and its propensity to enhance learning, for me it always has to be purposeful. I've written at some length about it previously but I thought a handy checklist might be, well... handy. So I made this. Please forgive the brevity of the…
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Have you been hearing how great Twitter can be as a teacher to support your CPD and enhance and inform your practice? Well the rumours are right! Below is a short screencast focussing on Twitter basics and educational hashtags (thanks to @TeamTait for the infographic) to help get you started! You…
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I've just had the pleasure of reading the latest book in the Perfect series by @shaun_allison, 'Perfect Teacher-Led CPD'. As someone who has written one of the books in the series, I always know, having gone through the copy-edit process, that the books are always put together really well, having…
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Teachmeets are everywhere now. The great sharing and practice available, for free, available to teachers by teachers is unprecedented. so how can you make the most out of your Teachmeet experience? What should you be likely to expect and how can you get the most out of attending one? Why…
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The more I learn as a grown up, the less I know that I know. There are vast bodies of knowledge out there that I have not had contact with and really could probably avoid in my day to day life. So why shouldn't I? It would certainly be easier.…
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The secret of teaching success isn’t mythical. It isn’t even that hard to work out. Watch any amazing teacher in their classroom and it is clear. The key to teaching success is to care about your learners and build relationships with them. For them to know that you really give…
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Like Zoë Elder, I'm doing some work around Teachers' Standards at the moment. Following on from seeing her collection of 'Quipio' posters in a post here, I thought I'd make my own to use both electronically in presentations and to print out a bit bigger and use elsewhere, such as…
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