Over the course of the last week or so, I’ve been sharing a number of resources about using Generative AI such as ChatGPT to help with the use of technology in the classroom. They’ve proved popular with many educators engaging with them. Here’s an example of the first one that I shared about using ChatGPT for teachers of English:

You can view the tweet here
With this and other resources, such as the ‘Use of AI in Education Policy (template)’ I created with Laura Knight, being equally as popular, I thought I’d compile a “Little Book of Generative AI Prompts” here for your use.
As with all Generative AI work such as these, it’s important to remember that whilst I’ve spent time trying to make the prompts as useful as possible, they are all just starters for ten. Yes, many will work right off the bat, but there are some things to remember.
Firstly, as discussed in the little book, AI comes with inherent biases. Things that might work well for one person, might not work so well for others. It is incumbent upon you to take on board the responses given. As I’ve regularly shared many times, the results that come from tools such as these are like every child in your classroom, you need to check its work.
Secondly, bearing in mind that these prompts are starters for ten, you should be prepared to iterate. It’s likely you will need to engage in a conversation with the Generative AI tool in order to get the results you want. Nothing that these tools produce are intended to replace teacher autonomy and creativity, and they certainly won’t have the contextual knowledge that you have of your subject or your classes. You should be prepared to use these prompts as tools to help speed up, inform or support the three key areas where they can help, namely: helping teaching, helping learning or reducing workload.
So here you go, here is my ‘Little Book of Generative AI Prompts for Teachers‘. I hope you find it useful! Please let me know how you get on!
FINALLY… if you like the work I do and think I can help you in your school, Trust or I might be helpful at your event, please do get in touch via my contact page.