Now it might sound like this post is a bit of a pat on the back for a mate (well in some ways I guess it is) but I really wanted to put the spotlight on someone who, for me, embodies the best in education. For me, there are a variety…
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“TeachMeet at Clevedon works because people believe in it” That was the recent reflection on TeachMeet Clevedon by Jen Ludd on her blog here which in many ways has prompted me to write this post. Not a rebuttal, but a celebration of TeachMeets, TeachMeet culture, where it has come from,…
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The App Smackdown at TeachMeet Clevedon between myself and @gavinsmart was a real blast and really enjoyed it! Lots of great apps shared in a fun way. Inspired by a similar 'smackdown' I had recently with Joe Dale. At the end of his post, Gavin has a video that he…
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Expect much more from me on SAMR and its uses and impact. For now though, please have a look at my presentation on the brilliant framework for thinking about how you use technology in lessons by Dr Ruben Puentedura. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic.
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Pleasingly, I have been able to track down 3 more videos from #JuicyLearning at the last #TMClevedon. Unfortunately, the clips of me and of Jim Smith haven't seen the light of day - they'll forever be one of those, "you had to be there" moments, but for now.... here are…
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So this coming Thursday, TeachMeet Clevedon is taking place (if you hadn't noticed! One application I've been looking to examine for some time is 'CoverItLive' - I've heard great things about it from the likes of @CheriseDuxbury and @JamiePortman on his great post on the app/topic here with some fab ideas. I…
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Made using a combination of Audacity (@russellprue would be proud) and 'Pocket Announcer' app for iPad/iPhone: ICTEvangelist intro to #tmclevedon by ictevangelist
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Quad blogging - an opportunity for class blogs to get up and running by providing you with an audience, linking you with 3 other blogs (school). Each school takes it in turn to blog, 1 school each week. You can link with the types of class you wish by signing…
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David talked about a SoL called the Learning Loop which has been created at Priory Community School in Weston-Super-Mare. He added that we want students to think but this can be very hard at times. In order to perform complex tasks we use memory and therefore, students need to learn…
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Alessio spoke about how imindmap 5 can create attractive mindmaps which allow creativity within the classroom as well as incorporating images into diagrams as well as text. Plus audio attachments means that the software suddenly opens up to a whole new variety of subjects to this style of presenting -…
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