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TeachMeet Clevedon 3

Julia Skinner @theheadsoffice talks @ #tmclevedon

By October 20, 2011No Comments

Quad blogging – an opportunity for class blogs to get up and running by providing you with an audience, linking you with 3 other blogs (school). Each school takes it in turn to blog, 1 school each week. You can link with the types of class you wish by signing up at

Schools across the world take part and this can be requested when registering.

100 word challenge – Julia sets a prompt of a few words or picture to which students then write a 100 word piece which get blogged online. Children will then read each other’s and get feedback on what they have written. This provides a real audience for their work and inspires students to write creatively. Julia asks students not to go down the obvious route and there is even an adult 100 word challenge!

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Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.

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