Many is the blog post which highlights the ways in which Twitter is the best staffroom in the world but I've not seen too many that highlight the ways in which we can use Twitter in the classroom. Many teachers love to use Twitter as a resource to share, explore,…
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So this coming Thursday, TeachMeet Clevedon is taking place (if you hadn't noticed! One application I've been looking to examine for some time is 'CoverItLive' - I've heard great things about it from the likes of @CheriseDuxbury and @JamiePortman on his great post on the app/topic here with some fab ideas. I…
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This post is really an update following my recent posts about Twitter and the ideas gained through sharing my tweets with others. For a much longer write up, this post by Jon Tait inspects the experience in more detail really well here: The original post has had more than 1000…
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So it happened 'like' this. I followed @elearninglaura I saw on her profile she had a blog (good it is too) I saw a post on her blog about a tool for making your own infographics (Piktochart) I thought cool - @fullonlearning (who also has a superb blog) will like that and so…
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Like every teacher all over the world, I'm a busy fellow. The time I can spend tweeting and checking my tweets is very finite. I'm torn though because tweeting with other educators is something that I love to do. It is simply the best staff room in the world with…
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Twitter for developing a PLN What is a PLN? Many people describe it as their Personal or Professional Learning Network - certainly for me, joining Twitter has been the single best thing I have ever done in terms of developing myself professionally. My colleagues often comment about how they can't…
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via This site is pretty cool - what it does it take a keyword, searches Twitter for it and then turns it in to a nice Flash based animation - not so cool if you don't use a device that supports Flash! Like it myself though!
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Mark introduced Scribd and The Little Book of ICT Ideas he has published using this. In addition, he talked about an alternative to wordle - Words can be uploaded online and moved into shapes, words are made bigger according to importance. Why not copy and paste a topic's key…
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Chris explained how Twitter can used to promote independent learning with sixth formers, in and out of lesson. The idea is that students are using their own tools for learning purposes. The teacher sets up a school only account and discussions take place on learning related topics - hash tags…
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Well, apart from this blog which will be updated regularly with thoughts, ponderings, news and ICT related things, I wanted to introduce you to the marvel that is Twitter. To be fair, most people have heard of Twitter - a way of following your favourite TV celebrity, music artist, politician,…
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