Who was it who said that an iPad is only a consumption device??! Here are some examples of some ICT related pages a student of mine created using Comic Life on the topic of 'Future Developments in Technology' …
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I was really pleased to come across the SketchShare app the other week. I immediately saw some really great potential with it. Some of these key features made it a no brainer for me in an education space: 1) Supporting group work upto 4 people can collaborate anywhere in the…
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Feedback from students who have been trialling the devices recently, 24/7 for over a month, can be found on the iClevedon blog here: http://iclevedon.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/10/ You can find out more by following the iClevedon twitter feed.
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Following a recommendation I've just downloaded the 'Blogsy' app for iPad. As you'll see from the screenshot, there are lots of built in formatting features, which if you're a Posterous or Blogger user makes it super handy. It makes it super easy too to add in different media with the…
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I recently blogged about the power of iBook Author and the new iBooks2, now I turn to iTunes U or the iTunes University app and how it also supports learning. The iTunes U app gives anyone with an iPad the opportunity to follow courses from hundreds of different…
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I am pleased as punch to have found a way to link up my Dropbox account with iWork for iPad. And it’s easy. And it’s free. Check http://otixo.com Once you’ve signed up and linked Otixo to your Dropbox account (you can do it with Google Docs too – double…
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Some of the best use I've seen of apps on the iPad is where teachers have engaged students using apps in conjunction with others. Filming activities, recording audio, adding the media to Keynote and annotating, demonstrating learning - that said, there are some great subject specific apps out there…
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You may have read about the use of the two amazing apps Puppet Pals HD and iMovie in the classroom. These great apps (Puppet Pals HD basic is free, £1.99 for the Directors Pass which gives you some cool features such as using your own backgrounds - iMovie is £2.99)…
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I’ve been asked to make a case for the use of iPads in English by a member of my PLN, @learningspy (David Didau) or more specifically, how they could be used. This could turn in to a very lengthy post if I was to write my entire case for the…
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Short screencast made using a screenshot from GarageBand, a ScreenChomp screencast a song I made in GarageBand and iMovie. Tidy :) Here's the original version of the screencast sans music before I put it through the rinse to add the music in iMovie for quality comparison. http://www.screenchomp.com/t/aaWDhpbKkQ
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