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@Vuelio Blog Awards

By Blogs One Comment
It always amazes me the impact that blogging has. I met someone today, @ComptonAndy, at the Apple RTC conference near Birmingham. He said something to me along the lines of... "are you Mark Anderson of Twitter fame?" Crazy. But is it? I'm always bowled over by the positive comments from…
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Nominations for #eddies14

By Blogs 2 Comments
It's that time of year again. It is staggering that this is the 11th Edublog awards. So much learning and sharing has taken place over those 11 years in the education community. I learn so much on a daily basis from all of the brilliant teaching professionals who share their practice.…
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V-blogging in your classroom

By iPad 2 Comments
You might have got a handle on the advantages of blogging in your classroom, and the many pros of giving your students a public audience for their work, however have you considered adding V-blogging to your armoury of tools to engage your class? A relatively new Video-blogging (V-blog) app that…
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iPad workflows

By iPad 11 Comments
iPad workflows are really important to learning. Student work doesn't often happen within just the one App. We need to be able to connect the work created in one App to enable us to develop it further within another.  Last night I met up with @joedale and we had a…
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