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Every day is a writing day…

By March 8, 2016One Comment

My blog has taken a bit of a back-burner recently as I’ve been writing so much on Staffrm. I managed to write more than 29 blogs during the #29daysofwriting challenge. Whilst not my original idea, I brought it back up again on Staffrm and I was so pleased to see so many teachers getting on there and sharing. Here are some facts from this blog by the Staffrm team:

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It was a phenomenal month.

With the exception of the crib sheet posts that I wrote, I will leave all of my posts from last month on Staffrm and not cross post them to here. That wasn’t my intent. If you missed them and fancied reading them, you can find them via my page on Staffrm here.

What the #29daysofwriting challenge has reminded me of however is the importance of regular blogging and writing.

With that in mind I am going to be upping the ante on and attempt to blog every day. I worry when I do this that it weakens the message and it becomes more noise than signal. It might end up meaning that I post 4 or 5 times per week rather than the once a week or so, but either way – I love to share and so share I will.

I hope you enjoy the blogs!

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.

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