Good Morning and welcome to Day Eighteen of the 2019 AppVent Calendar!
Today’s entry was always going to be a no-brainer for me to include. The offer to schools from Adobe via Adobe Spark is fantastic and so I had to include them in this year’s AppVent Calendar. Adobe Spark is also completely free for education!
With spaces on the calendar being so limited I am not going to include Spark Post, Video and Page as separate entries but bundle them in together as one. Even though I’ve done that however, each of the different apps in this suite of fantastic tools has a significant number of uses right across your school as part of your core apps to support teaching and learning.
There are many use cases for Spark Video, Post and Pages and I have written about them many times across this blog.
Five ways to use Adobe Spark Post in the Classroom
Five ways to use Adobe Spark Video in the Classroom
The best feature of Adobe Spark Page you never knew about
I regularly use Spark Post for my professional work too. Almost every graphic I share on social media, for example, will have been created using Spark Post.
A number of people have asked me too, for example, how I made my product review videos for this AppVent Calendar – it was, of course, Spark Video!
The newsletters that I put together – all made using Spark Page. Don’t just take my word for it though, check this headteacher’s blog that I regularly share as a good example of Spark Page use from Michael Bloy, headteacher of Kings’ Al Barsha. You can follow Michael on Twitter here.
Adobe Spark is available to use in the browser or each of the three tools is available as stand-alone apps on the iOS App Store. Currently, only Spark Post is available on Android.
For more on Adobe Spark on my blog visit this link here.
I hope you find these apps useful. I’d also love to hear what you think about them, especially if you’re using them already, and your feedback on the AppVent Calendar either in the comments or on Twitter. I’m looking forward to sharing more with you tomorrow!
If you like the resources I share and my approaches to teaching and learning with (and without) technology, I work with many schools supporting them with consultancy, training, support and more. If you feel like I could help you, drop me a line via my contact page and I’ll be in touch.