My keynote presentation at TeachMeet Soton last night included a whole host of different tools to enhance learning. The tools fell in to two categories. Those that were web based which can be accessed using browsers and those that are iPad App based. There were a few Apps that I didn’t get to show due to time but I’ve included those in this post for you to have a look at too.
To kick off with I set the scene with a great video that I was put on to be the great Dawn Hallybone.
This was to showcase how the young people we work with today aren’t like us. “Video killed the radio star” might have been relevant to us when it was the first video shown on MTV. Things aren’t quite the same any more!
I then showed a piece of art work a student of mine recently created on his iPad put to music. Watch it. It’s simply amazing.
Then I moved on to a presentation which talked about teacher confidence, teachers needing to have a growth mindset ala Dweck and means to support this, namely Digital Leaders. I moved on to talk about how scaffolding from taxonomies such as SAMR could help with that and talked about wins in the classroom which are the ideas below, following the embedded PDF of the Keynote presentation:
These were the tools and Apps I went on to demonstrate for quick easy wins for supporting teaching and learning.
Web 2.0 Tools
Socrative – awesome AfL / questioning tool
Isle of tune – great fun whilst being creative and teaching logic skills
Instagrok – a great way to search, particularly for research
Visuwords – a visual dictionary
Audioboo – great place/way to share podcasts for your own school radio station
Quietube – remove everything from YouTube except for the video to make a nice clean viewing experience
Again but slower – Wikipedia for those with literacy and learning difficulties
Tagxedo – for brilliant automatically shaped word clouds
Psykopaint – for recreating your own works of art using brushes in the style of famous artists such as Cezanne or Van Gogh
Clevr – for stitching together photos
Tag Galaxy – amazing interactive image search with fantastic results from Flickr
Primary Games – a site with lots of games for primary with an educational slant
Information is beautiful – a site with some simply beautiful infographics
Pinterest – for finding brilliant resources and inspiration, including infographics, for your subject area – more here
Infogr.am – for making your own infographics. Great for Numeracy
Piktochart – probably the best infographic maker on the web
Easel.ly – another fab infographic creator – look great, simple to make / use
Smore – brilliant flyer/magazine/web site learning tool – great uses, such as Jon Tait’s Teaching & Learning magazine
Check this – similar to Smore, great for creating web pages for multiple purposes. Simple to use.
Padlet – used to be Wallwisher, a great online corkboard for sharing ideas. Can also be used on iPad to add videos/images too. Download a PDF of the wall for further sharing – example here
Beqrious – for making lots of different types of QR codes of varying colours
Visulead – free visual QR code maker – more on it here
Thinglink – a great website for embedding tapable/clickable resources within the actual image. Super for supporting/demonstrating learning
iPad Apps
Here is the first screen of apps that I showed. I had some more screens to go through too but time didn’t allow. I’ve included them below too.
Screen two
Screen three
I hope you find these of use! You can access a list with direct links to each of the Apps shown above from a website list here too http://bit.ly/TeachMeetSotonApps
If you like these or use them anywhere, I’d love to hear from you!