Well it’s certainly been an interesting year. I’m going to reflect upon that further after I’ve had chance to put my feet up for a day or two (code for get the house ready for the arrival of family members for Christmas day). For now though, here’s a round up of the ten most popular posts over the course of the year as polled by Google Analytics.
Whilst I’m here too, can I just say thank you to everyone who checks out my blog and follows and interacts with me on Twitter. I have had an amazing year. Met some amazing people. Had some amazing experiences and there’s more to come in 2013. I’m not going to go in to an Oscar style thank-you-fest, I’d just like to say thank you. So with festive aplomb and a certain amount of cheers, here’s what resonated most over the past year. Strange really!
A post that reflected upon how iPads could be used in the classroom in conjunction with SOLO taxonomy.
9. Student workflow on iPad in your lessons
Starting to think about workflow and its importance in its relationship to learning with mobile technologies, this post examined how this could take place:
8. Little Book of Superb ICT to enhance C21st Teaching & Learning (vol2)
This little book, still a favourite with many colleagues and people I’ve worked with on several CPD sessions this year, is jam packed with great edtech tools to support learning. Not seen it? Grab your copy.
7. Twitter wins again for CPD and collaboration in education
A post sparked from a number of interactions between a few teachers and I on my PLN on Twitter – Twitter proving again to be a brilliant forum for CPD and support in the education community.
6. The iPad & Critical Pedagogy
Really honing my vision for mobile technology use here and my research in to this post helped me with this immensely. Later it led to a more detailed look in to SAMR / TPACK etc, but the discussion here still forms, for me, the basis for learning with mobile technology.
5. Why iPad for the English classroom in education?
A post with lots of hints and tips for how you can use mobile technology to support learning in the English classroom.
4. iPad 105 – Workflow | How to save, work with multiple apps and share
A quite detailed post which kind of explains what it’s about in the title.
The post which goes in to some detail about what is the best pedagogy behind using technology in the classroom
Surprising as it’s only a relatively recent post, but this presentation in to SAMR makes it to the 2nd most popular post of the year.
With a rather provocative title, this really should have been titled, “what can a teacher do in the classroom if they have an iPad and how do they do it?”
The post goes through some of the key apps to support learning activities and how to go about presenting to the class using your iPad too; talking about the hardware and implications of presenting to a whole class.
So there you have it. Hope you’ve found some of these useful over the past year? If you have, I’d love to hear from you. If you have ideas or questions on other topics linked to ICT, learning with technology and mobile devices please get in touch. I don’t profess to have all the answers but I do enjoy finding out!
Merry Christmas one and all.
Mark Anderson Dec ’12