So it happened ‘like’ this.
- I followed @elearninglaura
- I saw on her profile she had a blog (good it is too)
- I saw a post on her blog about a tool for making your own infographics (Piktochart)
- I thought cool – @fullonlearning (who also has a superb blog) will like that and so tweeted her about it
- @TeamTait saw that tweet and thought – “Cool, I’ll have some of that”
- @TeamTait asked @ICTEvangelist (me) – “What could I make?”
- @ICTEvangelist replies “Something to motivate Y11 in the run up to their exams?”
- @TeamTait asks on Twitter “What sort of thing can I put in?”
- @holden_tight @StaceyReay @StuartMaginnis all reply giving fab ideas
- @TeamTait makes the superb infographic below and says anyone can use it.
I ♥ Twitter
Fantastic. Twitter has definitely given me lots of development ideas. Twitter use should be part of any modern teacher training course.
awesome post and infographic – again i am in awe…
I added this to my Diigo resources for why teachers should use Twitter.
When doing a workshop or presentation, many of the teachers don’t have a Twitter account, and if they do they don’t have enough people following them or follow enough educators to see the benefit of Twitter. Here is a link to my resources to get teachers to use Twitter, even without a Twitter account.
Craig Nansen