In a world where many (me included) talk about "pedagogy first" approaches to technology in the classroom (one of the reasons why 'PedTech' misses the point) it's sometimes easy to forget one of the best ways that edtech can help you as a teacher is that of saving you time…
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"The key is in not spending time, but in investing it." - Stephen R. Covey There are many acronyms and buzzwords in lots of different professions; I would argue none so much as in education. Whether it’s important you know the difference between your SIP and DIP or how to…
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I always remember looking forward to getting some gained time once my Year 11s and 13s had gone. Making the most of that time though is always a difficult thing to do. Something always seemed to get in the way. Whether it was other people asking you of your time…
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I love Google Chrome. The extensions you can add to your Chrome browser are fab. Sure there are things you can do with Safari, Edge, Firefox... but nothing comes close really to the powerful Chrome browser. One of my new (to me) favourite extensions for Chrome has to be the…
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I'm a great believer in taking lots of small steps to make a bigger gain. Incremental improvements that you get better and better at through deliberate practice is one of those things that make us better teachers in the classroom. Often when it comes to technology, one of the biggest…
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Many years ago now I used to DJ in clubs and bars. When going to gigs I would always have certain bits of kit with me; spare audio leads, headphones and of course the vinyl and CDs. Every DJ wants to be unique and to put their own spin (pun intended)…
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It is the case that many classes don't have access to things such as one-to-one iPads or even bring your own device. You may even be a teacher who make students but their phones away every single lesson. That's fine. If that's how you work. You know better than I…
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Like every teacher all over the world, I'm a busy fellow. The time I can spend tweeting and checking my tweets is very finite. I'm torn though because tweeting with other educators is something that I love to do. It is simply the best staff room in the world with…
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