I often ask teachers if they use Google Images for the pictures they use in the resources they make for the classroom. The majority of teachers tell me they use Google Images for all their images. They simply go to the site, search for their image, grab the best one and…
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How do you interact on Twitter and other social media? I have said for a long time that Twitter is the best teacher staffroom in the world. Why? I say this because the people frequenting Twitter are those that are seeking out resources, networking opportunities, looking to help other…
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One of the key roles of a teacher is to act as role models for the young people in the classes within which they teach. I'm a firm believer in working with colleagues the same way as you would with children. I don't mean that you treat adults as if they're…
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I was very fortunate to be asked to run a session this week with some Twitter super-heroines of mine - Monica Burns (@ClassTechTips), Kelly Grogan (@KellyEd121) and Kristin Ziemke (@KristinZiemke). We explored a number of different ways in which we all utilise social media to amplify our voices as educators.…
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