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By EdTech 2 Comments
Workflow - the way in which work flows from one application or person to another in order to progress and develop said work either by addition or development through peer, teacher formative feedback and critique. Anyone want to add anything to that to develop the explanation further when it comes…
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Safer Internet Day 2014

By EdTech No Comments
I've been struck recently by the lack of coverage of e-safety by some of the people I talk with on Twitter and elsewhere. E-safety and the safeguarding of our young people online is of paramount importance. I'll be writing more about this in the near future, but as part of…
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Google Story Builder

By EdTech 16 Comments
Launched some time ago now, Google Story Builder allows you (or even better, your students) to create short movies or video stories in a Google Docs style environment... Great if your students already use Google Apps for Edu. You can choose different characters, story and music and when you're done…
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