There's no getting away from it, technology in education can be an expensive business and there are plenty of companies out there ready to get their snake oil out there to make a fast buck from "helping" educators. With ever decreasing budgets and a Government wanting a world-class education for…
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I've been a big fan of the award-winning Hopscotch app for some time. It first came to light a few years ago and has been a firm favourite since that happened. Great for helping to teach code to young people in an engaging, fun and relevant way. This past week,…
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I loved catching up with the brilliant Steve Bunce at the Apple RTC Winter Conference last week at the Belfry. In his simply fab presentation about coding, he spent some time looking at a variety of ways in which you can use music to teach children about loops. In this…
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I was delighted to spend two days at the successful values based, Ledbury Primary School this week. My work there covered a number of areas including a digital parenting session for parents after school and some e-safety sessions, for Y1-5 but more on that in another post. Another part of…
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The iPad is one hell of a device. I'm not the first person to say it or think it but there you have it. It really is. Yes, competitors and Android fans will tell you that their devices have done it for years, but it's never been quite as good…
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I love gadgets. It has to be said. For me they represent the cutting edge of humanity and where we can go as a human race. When I used to watch Star Trek: Next Generation, as a teenager I used to say 'never in my lifetime' when I used to…
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It's been on my radar for some time now but I haven't really had the opportunity to blog about it yet. Tickle, a free App for iPad works just like Scratch. Image from the Tickle home page Essentially, you can use the Tickle App to program a variety of…
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I was put on to a great resource for practicing binary conversions today which I had to share - it works on a kind of Tetris game basis. See how you get on. It's great fun! Check it out by clicking here. Cheers!
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If you haven't come across the Sphero ball, it's a tidy little thing. Ever since I first saw one I wanted one thinking of its potential for learning. I knew I had to get one. It's about the size of a tennis ball (perhaps slightly bigger) and advertised as waterproof…
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I've been compiling my Computing resources for some time but thought I would add them in to a resource on my blog. Here are my Pinterest Computing related boards broken down in to different topical areas. I will keep adding to these so keep checking back. Thanks! Follow Mark Anderson's board Computing resources…
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