Thanks to everyone who has checked out the responses to the #threequestionsEDU series so far. I always enjoy reading the writing and thoughts of other teachers and I hope you find the responses interesting. Please respond in the comments and share what you think. If you’d like to respond to the questions, please read this post first. Kicking off this #threequestionsEDU response is Jules Daulby. Thanks Jules!
Jules Daulby
Twitter handle:
A bit about yourself:
I am senior consultant teacher for the Driver Youth Trust, a charity dedicated to improving the educational outcomes for learners with emerging literacy requirements such as dyslexia. I’ve been teaching for over twenty years and think it’s one of the most rewarding careers there is. I’m always right but usually proved wrong.
What do you think are the biggest issues facing education right now?
Government interference with its current obsession of competing internationally. I find this dispiriting as comprehensive, inclusive education is one of the best things the UK has to offer and something which I’m most proud of. I fear that currently, the students who need education the most are becoming more marginalised than ever; exclusions and home education is increasing and guess which group? Yep, SEND and the disadvantaged. If we cannot as a society look after our most vulnerable learners what does that make us? I saw a conversation on twitter recently where the exclusion data was dismissed as being statistically minuscule. I was startled as figures may be low in number but are high in cost: not just in monetary value to the state but in the devastation caused to students and their families.
What’s your favourite teaching and learning idea/technique/strategy/tool?
Dual coding. I have @olivercaviglioli to thank for discovering the name and further research into a technique I have used intuitively for many years. It is the work of Sweller which argues that simultaneous processing, combining the verbal and visual, can help make it stick for students. Working with learners who have learning differences, it is the natural way of teaching and particularly effective. As with all good SEND strategies however, it works for all and is just part of high quality teaching.
If you were appointed Minister of Education in your country, what would be the first thing you’d change and why?
I’d close all selective and private education institutes down. For a truly comprehensive system, everyone must have a stake in it. I believe in communities and schools should be at the centre with everyone going to their local one. The more people invested in state education, the louder the voice becomes and this would improve education (to steal a phrase) for the many not just the few.
My thanks to Jules for taking the time to respond to the questions. I hope you find it of interest and look forward to reading your comments!