A few years ago I curated a series of blogposts on ictevangelist.com which asked educators three different questions:
1. What place, if any, has technology got in education?
2. What’s your favourite edtech tool for learning and why?
3. What are your thoughts on students using mobile devices in the classroom?
Educators and the debates in education have moved on somewhat since I asked those original three questions. Original respondents included David Didau, Jose Picardo, Terry Freedman, Pete Jones, Tom Starkey, Julie Hunter, Crispin Weston, Nina Jackson, Rebecca Layton, Ross Morrison-McGill, and Julie Hunter among many others. You can view an example here from José Picardo.
I am seeking to curate 20 or so responses in the form of THREE NEW QUESTIONS:
- What do you think are the biggest issues facing education right now?
- What’s your favourite teaching and learning idea/technique/strategy/tool that you use and why?
- If you were appointed Minister of Education in your country, what would be the first thing you’d change and why?
A number of educators have agreed to take part so far including:
- Andy Buck (who’ll be up first)
- Amjad Ali
- Bukky Yusuf
- José Picardo
- Carl Hendrick
- Nina Jackson
If you’d like to take part, simply complete the following form and upload a photo of yourself to use in the post. You’ll have to log into your Google account in order to complete the form. I’d love to hear from you educators from around the world.
I will endeavour to include all entries into the #threequestionsedu series but not all entries may make it.