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#threequestions on technology with @kerrypulleyn

By August 1, 20142 Comments

The fourth contributor to this series of posts is Kerry Pulleyn. Kerry is a teacher of English, former AST and now Lead Practitioner. She will be joining her school’s SLT from September 2014. She loves to learn as well as teach and she is a keen tweacher. You can find Kerry on Twitter @kerrypulleyn

1. What place, if any, has technology got in education?

Technology must have a place in education, otherwise we are missing a chance to equip the innovators of the future. That said, I find there is a tension between the timeless concept of what makes for a good education and trying to keep up with the latest trends and ideas, which could be obsolete soon. Teachers are generally very short of time, so I think it’s important to focus on the things that have genuine pedagogical value. Luckily, Twitter is full of people who are experimenting with good ideas to help inform the rest of us! As a profession, I don’t think most teachers have worked out how to integrate a lot of new edtech tools into their teaching repertoire – again because things move so quickly – or maybe that’s just me!2. What’s your favourite edtech tool for learning and why?

2. What’s your favourite edtech tool for learning and why?

I guess it depends what you consider an edtech tool. Social networks offer the greatest scope, I think. For example, I would like to share a blog site with my students so that I could share texts, images or links beyond what we have time for in class to help them develop in the fullest possible sense as readers and writers. My own technical skills prevent me doing this with ease! One of my favourite easy things to use is Padlet (used to be Wallwisher) to set up discussions with and between students – that’s been popular and useful in developing discussion. I am experimenting with reflector app to use as a visualiser, but the school connection seems a bit patchy for me to rely on it currently.

3. What are your thoughts on students using mobile devices in the classroom?

They are potentially useful, but in my limited experience so far you could always manage without them if necessary. It might be that we are in a transition phase so that I don’t plan for it because I can’t rely on students being equipped. I think there is an issue of trust too. It seems like not such a great idea with some groups! Anybody who teaches a difficult group might sympathise with this. Having said all that, it might just be that my level of expertise is limited, but I’m not sure how I might develop it further with the time I have available. Until and unless all students have them and devices are geared up for what’s needed, I think the jury’s out.

Thanks to Kerry for her thoughts and taking the time to respond to the #threequestions. I’m looking forward to publishing the next set of responses tomorrow. If you have any comments for Kerry, both she and I would love to hear from you below. If you’d like to add your thoughts by answering the #threequestions, then simply fill out the form here. Thanks for reading!

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.


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