Thanks to Rebecca Stacey for this entry in the #threequestions series. You can follow her on Twitter at @bekblayton and check out her blog here: http://www.digitalclassrooms.co.uk/
A bit about you:
I have been teaching ten years, most recently in East London where I led the ICT development at two very busy primary schools! Very keen on using mobile devices in the classroom I also love developong the collaborative side of ICT with tools such as Skype and Google Docs. I’m about to take up a Headship in Cumbria!
1. What place, if any, has technology got in education?
Technology is central to education, just as it is central to society! It is important that we demonstrate the use of technology just as we would expect our pupils to use it – collaboratively, safely and creatively! In formal education we need to ensure that our pupils are used to using the tools that may need later in life – of course we have no idea what that may be – so problem solving, an understanding and development of technology is vital. I do think school leaders need to take responsibility – I see far too many leaders outsourcing not just the management and deployment (which to some extent is understandable) but the strategy – which is unforgivable. The integration and development of these tools can have such an impact on the school culture it really must be a leadership force that dictates it.
2. What’s your favourite edtech tool for learning and why?
The internet and wireless connectivity may be a little wide – but it’s the connectivity and collaboration that I like. However, for one tool, i’m going to go with Skype. (Twitter would be a close second!) Skype and the accompanying technology has opened so many doors for schools and developed connections and opportunities that would not be there otherwise – if definitely gave me some brilliant hair-raising moments in the classroom.
3. What are your thoughts on students using mobile devices in the classroom?
I’m a fan! Unsurprisingly. I worked with iPads in the ‘early’ days (feel old..) and have experienced all kinds of set-ups, from ome-one classes to a set of 6 in each classroom. Now, with Android devices becoming cheaper I can only see schools using them to get more and more out of the connectivity and collaboration that is possible. I’ve seen the opportunities pupils create and the creativity that can blossom. I’m not saying you need the expensive iPad devices – to take advantage of what’s on offer is getting cheaper all the time!
Many thanks to Rebecca for her responses. I hope you found them as insightful as I did. If you’d like to have your say, then please do by visiting here and filling out the form.
Happy Monday!