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#threequestions on technology with @andyhampton

By July 31, 20142 Comments

The third contributor to this series of posts is Andy Hampton.

Andy is the Head teacher of a UK independent school. He is also Chair elect of the Independent Schools Association.

You can follow him @andyhampton.







1. What place, if any, has technology got in education?

Education has always made use of technology whether that be books, pens, blackboards or PCs. Today’s tech is no different, just better and more far reaching in its ability to transform Education.


2. What’s your favourite edtech tool for learning and why?

Our VLE, run through @itslearning. Though we are about to introduce iPads in Sept the VLE remains central to supporting teaching and learning throughout our secondary section. In particular in it is unique in its ability to allow managers to monitor homework and support materials. The keg to making this kind if technology successful is to ensure that ALL teachers use it consistently according to agreed policy.


3. What are your thoughts on students using mobile devices in the classroom?

I am a fan though this a new journey for my school. I think it will speed things up and make lessons more interactive, stimulating and thrilling. Of course there are pit falls but so there are with any pedagogical technique. I think in 5 years every pupil will be using these devices. It annoys me when schools say they are using iPads when actually they are just giving a single machine to a pupil with no MDM or networking.

Thanks to Andy for his thoughts and taking the time to respond to the #threequestions. I’m looking forward to publishing the next set of responses tomorrow from @kerrypulleyn. If you have any comments for Andy, both he and I would love to hear from you below.

If you’d like to add your thoughts by answering the #threequestions, then simply fill out the form here.

Thanks for reading!

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.


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