At BETT in January I launched two Periodic Tables, one for AR and VR which I collaborated on with Steve Bambury and this second table, focused upon apps for learning. It is not the same as the AR and VR table. Whilst both tables are broken down into categories, the AR and VR table focuses purely on AR and VR apps for education, this table breaks down the different recommended apps into 8 different categories related to broader learning categories. They are:
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Learning
- Teaching
- Creativity
- Demonstrating
- Collaboration; and
- Workflow
The table aims to reflect an updated selection of popular apps that have been shown to be useful in supporting teaching and learning activities in these different areas. Some of the apps are more suitable for Primary, such as ‘Little Digits‘ in the Numeracy section. Others may have more use in Secondary such as ‘Metaverse‘ a great little AR app for AfL, story-telling and more, but has an app rating of 9+ on the App Store which makes it more suitable for older learners. Please remember – all of these apps have different age ratings, therefore it is your responsibility to ensure suitability of an app for the age of learners you work with.
That said, I hope you find table a useful guide to some of the amazing apps for learning there are available on the App Store. These are merely a handful of the thousands of other apps available awaiting discovery!
I hope you find this table as useful as the others have been. Many schools tell me that they are great for exploring what tools are available and how they can support their curricula and learning. If you would like support with any of this, please get in touch.