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pedagogy first

Blog post featured image in purple with white writing. The title is "Generative learning, retrieval practice, edtech and the importance of sequencing" with the last section "and the importance of sequencing" in yellow

Generative learning, retrieval practice, #edtech and the importance of #sequencing

By Cognitive Science, CPD, EdTech, Pedagogy first No Comments
In a recently made available study on sequencing, Roelle, Froese, Krebs, Obergassel and Waldeyer shared some interesting highlights in their paper “Sequence matters! Retrieval practice before generative learning is more effective than the reverse order”.  The paper certainly reinforces previous findings related to spaced practice and retrieval practice.  It should…
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Pedagogy first…

By T & L 8 Comments
Michael Fullan is credited with the phrase, "Pedagogy is the driver, technology is the accelerator". He's right on the money as far as I'm concerned. Following a recent TeachMeet presentation at Tom Sherrington's school in London, I was inspired by a presentation by Oliver Caviglioli in which he talked about a…
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