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The Power of the Visual for learning

By EdTech 11 Comments
Visuals are so powerful. Carl Hendrick wrote recently about motivational posters recently here and I tend to agree when they're used out of context, however I think visualisations can be a great learning tool, particularly when students make them themselves. We can embed learning linked to numeracy in lots of…
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Remixing great lessons: Rigour

By T & L 9 Comments
Great lessons have key characteristics. Many edu-bloggers have discussed the characteristics of great lessons but for me, the one person that nails it is as discussed in my introductory post to this series is Tom Sherrington. In his series he discusses the topic in some detail across ten posts. In my series I will…
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Get in line!

By T & L 3 Comments
Forgive me for the non-sexy post, but sometimes, routines are just really important. Sorry too as the title to this post could be more explicit, but it strikes me that as teachers it's really important that we ensure that we're giving a students considerable support and focus in our lessons.…
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Create 360° records of learning in your classroom with @bubblepix

By iPad apps No Comments
Found this app today thanks to @joe_moretti - prospects look really good. It's an app which works with a 3rd party device they call a Bubblescope. With this device, and the app, you can record 360° photos and videos in your classroom. Superb idea! Follow here: @bubblepix App here: I'm looking forward…
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One iPad in the classroom?

By iPad, T & L 9 Comments
Many schools are embracing the use of iPad in education, with class packs, in 1:1 models but some aren’t. What if you’re one of those teachers though that wants to use an iPad in your classroom. What if there’s the possibility of using just one in your classroom, is there…
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