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Ninety questions to ask vendors at #Bett2024 @bett_show based on the frustrations, desires and fears educators have around #EdTech

By AI, CPD, Curriculum, Digital Strategy, EdTech No Comments
With Bett starting tomorrow I was reflecting on why people attend the event in their droves every single year - of course, the obvious answer is the networking, but often it's more to do with the CPD, to learn about new technologies and to speak with the companies that produce…
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It’s the final day of #24DaysOfAI and if you want to find out what’s behind door number 24, you’ll have to read the post that accompanies this entry…

By AI, Appvent, EdTech No Comments
Welcome to Day 24 of #24DaysOfAI, our Appvent calendar for 2023. It’s been a labour of love sharing alternate days writing the posts between Ronan McNicholl and myself (Mark Anderson).  Choosing each day has been tough. There are lots of tools we could have included, especially those with lots of…
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On Day 23, the penultimate day of #24DaysOfAI, we share a #GenerativeAI tool on the #Appvent calendar worth exploring for a variety of reasons. Read on to learn more…

By AI, Appvent, EdTech No Comments
Welcome to the penultimate day of the 2023 Appvent calendar where today we will focus on Perplexity. AI tool of the day: Perplexity AI is a conversational AI tool similar to ChatGPT, which uses natural language processing and is also built upon GPT-4. Whilst both have similar origins, Perplexity differs…
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With only two more days of the #24DaysOfAI #Appvent calendar, day 22 reveals a great Chrome extension that helps make the most of video content on YouTube

By AI, Appvent, EdTech No Comments
Welcome to day twenty-two of the 2023 Appvent calendar where today we will focus on YouTube Summary (with ChatGPT extension). AI tool of the day: YouTube Summary makes it incredibly easy to produce a concise summary of any content within YouTube videos.   Educational Benefits:  This tool could be very useful…
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Welcome to Day 20 of the #24DaysOfAI #Appvent calendar where today we share a great tool with #AI baked in to help with quizzing and more, @GoFormative

By AFL, AI, Appvent, EdTech No Comments
Welcome to day twenty of the 2023 Appvent calendar where today we will focus on Formative. AI tool of the day: Formative is a popular platform for creating engaging assessment tools.  Recently, Formative has incorporated an AI content generator tool (currently in beta mode) which makes it easier for teachers…
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On day 18 of the #24DaysOfAI #Appvent calendar, we offer up a great tool for teaching STEM, Computational Thinking and more; Teachable Machine by Google

By AI, Appvent No Comments
Welcome to day eighteen of the 2023 Appvent calendar where today we will focus on Teachable Machine by Google. AI tool of the day: Developed by Google, Teachable Machine can be used to train a computer to recognise images, sounds, and poses.   Educational Benefits:  Teachable Machine can be used to…
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Today on #24DaysOfAI we discover a super audio to text tool with some great features to help teachers and leaders alike…

By AI, Appvent, EdTech No Comments
Welcome to day seventeen of our #24DaysOfAI Appvent calendar where today we will focus on is designed to provide efficient voice-to-text conversion and summarisation, making it a valuable asset in educational settings across the UK. AI tool of the day: uses AI to offer voice note transcription…
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