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TeachMeet Clevedon 3

@jamieportman talks about ‘Internal Teachmeets’ @ #tmclevedon

By October 20, 2011No Comments

Jamie ‘virtually’ talked about in school TeachMeets to improve teaching and learning. Presentations which are 2 or 7 minutes long can take place within a meeting, turning the environment into a relaxing and stress free place and the ability to share ideas and thought easily. The length of the presentations are non-intimidating and gives confidence to those who are less brave at speaking in front of their colleagues.

TeachMeets are not about whole school priorities but other people’s ideas and learning from each other.

How good do you want to be?

Teachmeet Clevedon from Jamie Portman on Vimeo.

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.

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