With the announcement of Posterous closing down at the end of April and some conversations with a few tweeps last night, I thought it would be helpful to show how you can do it.
You will probably find this guide here helpful too: http://en.support.wordpress.com/import/import-from-posterous/
To view the screencast, simply watch below:
For more screencasts and help with different web 2.0 tools and more, please visit my YouTube channel here: http://youtube.com/ictevangelist – you will also find Ian Addison’s collaborative www.undertenminutes.com site helpful too.
Thank you, Mark! This is really useful and right on time.
Thanks for sharing, it takes lot of effort to make a screencast
You can move to Tumblr in few clicks using justmigrate.com . I feel Tumblr is more closer to Posterous users than word press 🙂
You probably would given justmigrate is your product? It’s still an option for folks though, so thanks for the comment, despite disagreeing.
Hi Mark,
Thank you so much for these tips. I just moved my Posterous class blog to WordPress and I am so grateful to you for showing the way. I wouldn’t have managed it without your advice. Thanks!
My pleasure. Glad they helped.
Hi Mark,
Great to hear you made the switch without any hickups.
I’m migrating a client’s blog from Posterous and so far I have one problem: URL not found on blog posts.
I did as you suggest and mimicked the Posterou’s url structure but I’m still getting the error.
Do you have any idea what else could it be?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Sorry to hear that! No immediate ideas spring to mind though. It just worked for me!