I’m very excited to be speaking at #EdtechIST running some expert and inspiration sessions.
The event running over the weekend of 18-19 April features a large number of different international expert speakers talking and sharing about the great use of education technology in education.
My expert session will focus on app smashing and will look at how combining a number of different apps has the potential to bring about greater learning wins. This will of course be balanced against using tech for tech’s sake. It’s absolutely right that we should be using technology when it can support the learning that takes place in the classroom. That’s why I’m really pleased that this session will be 2 1/2 hours long as it will give people coming a really good opportunity to get some hands on practice to support with their skills as well as the thinking behind app smashing and how we might do it too.
My inspiration session will look at different ways in which we can use augmented reality to inspire learners with their creativity, as a means of assessment, sharing great work and much more.
If you’re interested in finding out more, please follow the #edtechist hashtag and visit the edtechist.com site.
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