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Digital Leaders

Digital Leader Impact book and the #NTLTDigiLeaders

By July 11, 2016No Comments

It has been my privilege to work with the teachers across the North Tyneside Learning Trust a number of times this year developing student digital leaders in a number of schools across the trust. It was this work which led to the formation of the Digital Leader Academy which you can learn more about at and on a whole variety of posts on this site.

My work at the brilliant Stephenson Memorial school last week culminated in a number of those schools coming together with me and Laura Dickinson to undertake a number of tasks:

  • Receive more training in using apps for learning
  • Be inspired with new ways to support teachers in the classroom
  • Prepare for their input in the RTC’s Teachmeet
  • Create a new iBook to document their impact and learning.

It was a fabulous few days and the Teachmeet event on the Friday saw me along with their teachers and other attendees at the #NTRTCis1 Teachmeet burst with pride at the brilliant (and often better than the adult) presentations the children delivered.


The other key take-away from the time at the Trust was the book that we created together. I’m so proud of what the children achieved in such a short space of time.

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I’ve held back from posting about the few days as I’ve been waiting for the book to go live on the iBooks store however it has now done so and so am pleased to promote their work in this post. Please download their book and have a look at the work they did.

Special thanks to Laura Dickinson, Emma Overton, Dawn Scott, Debbie Park, Lynsey Carr and Paul Tullock for always making me feel so very welcome.

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.

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