There is every chance that in your inset this year you'll have spent some time looking at how you can develop your practice with technology. You might have even been given a new shiny (or more usually not) iPad to use in your work. If you're new to iPad (or…
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I was approached recently by to write a short response to a few questions for an article they're running. One of the questions was about what I remembered most from my first day as a teacher. I wrote less than I'm going to share with you now but the…
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Being a form tutor is one of the most rewarding parts of the job of being a teacher. You'll have allsorts of characters thrown at you in the course of your teaching career. When you go back to school this year who will you be confronted with. Will it be…
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You may have seen in the news recently that Ofsted's Amanda Spielman commented that an "“over-cautious culture has developed in our schools”. She went on to say that this “deprives children of rewarding experiences, of the opportunity to develop resilience and grit and which makes it hard for them to cope…
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