I have so many conversations with educators who think they aren't any good. It's such a sad state of affairs when the system gets so many of its teachers feeling so very low. We all have something to offer. So many of us have amazing practice that takes place in…
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A group of teachers from the UK are embarking on a trip this summer to try and link two cultures together around the topic of education. It is the brain-child of UK teacher, Rory Gallagher. The project Back in 1997 Rory Gallagher (@EddieKayshun on Twitter) went to Japan on the…
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I worry for a number of reasons. Why I worry Teachers blog and don't think about their audience and say things that show poor judgement. Teachers blog and use images that aren't licensed for reuse and think it's ok because they've used 'Google Images'. Teachers blog and use images which aren't…
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As you may have seen in my recent post I am moving out of the classroom to be able to work and support schools in a number of different ways. To help with this move I've just built a new website to showcase the sort of support that I am offering…
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