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Appvent Calendar Day Thirteen – @Quizizz

By December 13, 2019No Comments

Hello and welcome to Day Thirteen on the Appvent Christmas Calendar! It’s even Friday the thirteenth! I have no bad luck to bring you today though as today’s app of the day is Quizizz! When I was planning out the different apps to share across the calendar, it was always going to be, for me, a no-brainer to include this firm favourite. 

If you haven’t come across Quizizz yet, it is a simple to use, quizzing tool for multiple-choice, low-stakes quizzing. I’ve been a fan of it for a long time now and is always well received by teachers that I’ve worked with:

Tell me more about Quizizz?

There are so many great things about Quizizz and they are super-simple to make:


You can share them directly into Microsoft Teams or Google Classroom. It can support retrieval practice and is free to use too.

Quizizz quizzes need to be made in your browser and students can answer questions in the browser or through the dedicated Quizizz app available on Android or iOS. Lots of people ask me, ‘why Quizizz when there’s Kahoot?’, so I wrote about this here too.

Here are more thoughts on Quizizz:

I hope you found this app useful. I’d also love to hear what you think about it, especially if you’re using it already and your feedback on the Appvent calendar either in the comments or on Twitter. I’m looking forward to sharing more with you tomorrow!

If you like the resources I share and my approaches to teaching and learning with (and without) technology, I work with many schools supporting them with consultancy, training, support and more. If you feel like I could help you, drop me a line via my contact page and I’ll be in touch.

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.

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