I am extremely excited to have been nominated for the UK Blog Awards 2015. I have been nominated for Education blog of the year!
Thank you to the people who nominated me for this. It is exceedingly humbling. I have always seen this space as a place to offer help to others. Sometimes I do better than others but the premise has always been the same. To share ideas and reflect upon my practice. My blog has given me so much joy. I’ve met amazing people because of it and learned lots about myself, life and most importantly learning.
I now need YOUR help. In order for me to reach the next stage of the competition, I need as many votes as possible. To do so please just click this link or the link in the side bar of my blog.
If you enjoy reading my blog and learning with me I would appreciate it if you could take a minute to vote. It would mean an awful lot to me both personally and professionally.
If you have voted too please say hi on Twitter so that I can thank you personally?
As always, thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
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