Thanks to everyone who has checked out the responses to the #threequestionsEDU series so far. I’m really enjoying reading the writing and thoughts of other teachers and I hope you find the responses interesting. Please respond in the comments and share what you think. If you’d like to respond to the questions, please read this post first. Kicking off this #threequestionsEDU response is Laura Spencer from San Diego, CA. Thanks for responding Laura!!
Laura Spencer
Twitter handle:
A bit about yourself:
Currently the Executive Director of Innovation and Design for a K-6 district. Looking to transform learning experiences for every child so that they bring awe and ignite genius. Former Ed Tech and IT Director.
What do you think are the biggest issues facing education right now?
We are trusting in the past to prepare us for the future – we can’t move quick enough to keep pace with the change the world is experiencing so we look for the shiny bullet that will fix everything. There is none, though, so we just end up bouncing from one quick fix to another instead of tackling the systems, structures, and beliefs that keep education lagging.
What’s your favourite teaching and learning idea/technique/strategy/tool?
For students, my favorite strategy is using Design Thinking to pull in a variety of learning standards in a way that sparks empathy and lets students learn how to make the world a better place. Within DT, the sky is the limit as technology, maker spaces, writing, etc all come together. For teachers, I believe that nurturing relationships builds the trust that lets teachers trust you to go places they may not have ventured before.
If you were appointed Minister of Education in your country, what would be the first thing you’d change and why?
Can the Minister of Education fire Trump? haha… I would build the professional capacity of educators by extending the work year and requiring those extra days be spent learning the trade. Doctors don’t stop learning when they earn their medical degree, and so I’d like to take that concept of rotations and such to teachers so that teachers are constantly immersed in powerful conversations and experiences that advance their trade.
My thanks to Laura for taking the time to respond to the questions. I hope you find it of interest and look forward to reading your comments!