As you may or may not be aware I’ve been writing a book. I have to say it has been and continues to be one of the most reflective things I have ever done in relation to my practice. I can highly recommend it. If you’ve enjoyed blogging, try putting together a book. You will examine the way in which you work in so much more detail than you ever thought you would. I have and am LOVING it.
The publication date for the book is set for August of this year and it can be pre-ordered by visiting on Amazon.
Crown House Publishing and Independent Thinking Press have got some very flattering blurb about me here:
If you’d like to find out more, you’ll have to get the book. If you like what I write about on my blog and are looking for ideas that are backed with pedagogy, linked to the Ofsted framework, including tried and tested ideas from practitioners from across the country that you can take to embed in areas across your curriculum, across primary or secondary, then take a look.
Well done! Should be a lot of customers given the changes in the NC.
Thanks Ian.
Like you I’m passionate about how you can use technology effectively in the classroom to bring about the best outcomes for learners. Hopefully this book will be of use to many teachers across all sectors.
Very good.