I was genuinely chuffed when Peps Mccrea asked me if I wanted to come along to the TESLabsLive event at TES Global, the headquarters for TES in London. The idea behind it was to help a variety of #edtech startups with the opportunity to talk with some teachers about their different products. This was to give them some feedback about how they could develop their products and with the opportunity for them to win some investment too based upon voting that took place on the day with teachers voting for their favourite product.
The winning startup on the day was Diagnostic Questions, the brain-child of Craig Barton which aims to ask students diagnostic questions. An AFL tool like no other in that it looks at misconceptions students may have based upon their incorrect answers which helps them to understand where they went wrong and what they can do to work out the correct answers in the future. A tidy and effective tool which although primarily for Mathematics, has applications across the board.
Other edtech startups that attended the day were; A Tale Unfolds, voted runner-up which saw them take-away a cash prize, is a product which aims to give teachers with quality resources to boost literacy among primary pupils. Other companies present included CV+, Learn Forward, Drum Roll, Doodle Maths, Mr Glue Stories, Pi Top and Bibblio.
I aim to write about each of these over the coming weeks. Each of them were really interesting and tools worthy of sharing on my blog. I particularly liked CV+, Doodle Maths and Pi Top, a maker toolkit that enables you to make your own laptop incorporating a Raspberry Pi for £200. Tidy!
My thanks go to Nina for organising everything and Peps for inviting me. It was a great day. I learned lots and this for me is always a good thing!
My favourite bit however was over coffee when meeting others Aldo de Pape from TeachPitch said to me, “Hey, I know you from Istanbul!” – now isn’t that a cool way to be introduced?
Thanks to everyone involved for a fab day of learning and sharing.
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