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Navigating and Leading on New Technology in Education

By ChatGPT, Digital Leaders, Digital Strategy, EdTech, Education, Work with me No Comments
Embracing the future of education requires more than just adopting new tools; it demands a shift in mindset and approach. Following a great meeting today with one of my British International School overseas clients that I'm supporting, I thought I'd pen some thoughts on embracing new technologies, digital strategy and…
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Approaches on How to Save Money and Increase Your Return on Your Investment with Edtech

By Digital Strategy, EdTech, Efficacy, Food for thought, Leadership No Comments
Originally posted and written as a guest blog for now>press>play here. I have always shared that technology in education is too important (and expensive) to leave to chance, and never more so in these cash-strapped times. Budgets have always been a stumbling block for schools wanting to make the most…
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What are the pillars of your #DigitalStrategy?

By Accountability, Digital Strategy, EdTech, Efficacy, Food for thought, Pedagogy first, Thought Leadership, Work with me No Comments
In historical and religious terms, pillars have often represented the bridge between heaven and earth. If you visit some of the great Cathedrals across Europe, many of their architects used huge pillars inside with religious the symbolism Columns or pillars are familiar features of Church architecture that serve the purpose…
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