I was delighted to be asked to deliver the opening keynote and to run some workshops too at the Streetly Academy Chromebook Conference.
The focus for my keynote, (apart from including my favourite Chrome extensions and the wins you can get from the main Google Apps) was about the power of the hidden learner. Yes, we need pedagogy, but we can and should think about how technology can help to break down barriers in the classroom. How it can enable you to take on board the voice of all learners in the classroom.
A recurring theme within this was the classic quote from Maya Angelou:
My two workshop sessions covered AFL ideas using Google Forms and Ninja Chromebook. The two presentations linked to the workshops can be seen below:
I was also impressed with the use of social media across the day with various plasma screens around the school being used to showcase tweets from the day on the hashtag #StreetlyCB. To show these, I have created a Storify with them in which can be seen below:
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