Donna Hay introduced a range of tools which can be used as starters or small activities within the lesson.
Visuwords – online graphical dictionary showing derivatives of keywords. A fantastic mindmap connection layout all linking to just one word.
Solvr – a way of getting students to collaboratively solve problems. A student can type in a problem, other students can access this problem (using an individual URL which is allocated to the specific problem) and add solutions to a list or comment on other solutions. (DO NOT CLICK ON THE RED CROSSES)
Zondle – Allows you to create quizzes and games, particularly useful for revision. Allows student to access a games once questions are answered correctly.
Finding stuff on Google – Advanced Search allows filtering by reading level
Wonder wheel – producing mindmaps within Google screen
Timeline – finding articles from particular dates, particularly useful for identifying trends.
Google squared labs – finding related information, shows as a grid allowing for overview and ordering.
WolframAlpha – answers questions itself (e.g. mathematical questions). Mark Anderson added that he has used this for researching food information.