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As we open day 24 on the 2021 #AppventCalendar, we find…

By December 24, 2021No Comments

The Appvent Calendar this year has been something I’m truly proud of. With contributors from around the world representing diverse voices from across education, the calendar has shared 23 great tools for supporting various aspects of teaching, learning, sharing, creativity, project management, literacy, numeracy and so much more.

It would be wrong of me to not say thank you to all of those who contributed to this year’s calendar too. With that in mind, a huge thank you to Marie-Clare Kelly, Laura George, Paul ‘Lanny’ Watkins, Bukky Yusuf, Gustavo Calderon De Anda, Olly Lewis, Coby Reynolds, Karen Caswell, Kat Cauchi and of course, my partner in all things Global Edtech, Ronan Mc Nicholl.

So, as we reach the end of our second year of learning to live with COVID, however, I’m mindful of one of my favourite models for teaching and learning with technology, TPACK.

One of the key tenets of TPACK isn’t about using technology all of the time but in gaining technological knowledge so that as educators, we can make informed choices about when to, or not to, use technology. 

Whilst on our holidays over this festive period, it is therefore I feel, incumbent to remember the most important element of any classroom – the teacher. It is you who has gone, not just the extra mile, but the extra hundred miles, these last two years.

In education, we regularly hear the phrase, “there’s no tired like teacher tired”…


…so on this, the 24th day of the Appvent Calendar I wanted to celebrate you – the teacher. 

Just like with TPACK and knowing when to or not to use technology, let’s pay homage to the best app for any classroom – a rested teacher who has had the chance to recharge their batteries over the holiday season. 

Step away from your work emails. Turn off notifications from Twitter – your PLN will still be there in a few days or a week’s time. Like you; they need a break too! 

Teachers are the best asset every school has, sure technology can help and is useful, but YOU are the most important element.

If you’re looking for some ideas on how to rest up or recharge, why not have a look at a tool such as previous Appvent entries, Calm or Headspace, both of which have special versions for educators. 


If you’re struggling with ideas for things to do, you might like to also take a look at the “50 Things To Do This Winter Break” guide that I wrote with colleagues at NetSupport. 

Whatever you decide to do though, please make time for yourself. 

Here at both ICT Evangelist and Global Edtech, we’ve downed tools and will be taking things steady ourselves for another jam-packed, exciting and hard-earned time off ourselves, to come back ready for the challenges that 2022 will bring. We are already looking at a “postponed until March”, BETT, so let’s take the time to ensure we’re ready for all that 2022 will bring. 

All that leaves me to say is, that we wish you a fantastic holiday and a Happy New Year!


Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.

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