Ok, so I’m not really talking about App Top Trumps, although thank you to Joe Baldwin for sending me an actual Apps Top Trumps game following some work at his college. His lovely gift contained classics such as Angry Birds, Crossy Road, etc. It got me thinking about something a bit more detailed, something which could be easily grabbed for reference, something that would sit well in the staffroom… I do love my periodic tables but they don’t really give much other information than the name of the app and a suggested category for its usage. Therefore I have started creating my own App Top Trumps cards. Not for using in battle with other teachers but as a resource to help with learning about them. App top trumps cards make a useful reckoner for educators wanting to learn about apps.
I will be making these cards freely available and once all 82 have been made I will share them via this site and via my social media sites. A Pinterest board for these cards will also be made which should make for a nice resource for educators too.
I hope you will find them useful! I would appreciate comments you might have below in the comments section. As with all my resources, they are available for you to use but please respect the license!
If you find this work of use and think I could help you in your school then please do not hesitate to get in touch via my contact page.