I have been fortunate to be working on Jersey all this week with teachers on their use of technology alongside ‘Aspire 2 Be’; Simon Pridham, Martyn Hancock and someone who has been a friend of mine for some years now – Mat Pullen.
As part of the work I have been doing I have spent much time (as you know I probably always do) promoting the use of Twitter, Digital Leaders and chats such as #DLChat and #UKEdChat.
To help to demonstrate the power of Twitter I asked a question on Wednesday night this week using the # #JerseyiPad – “Please can you share your favourite app or idea for using iPads in the classroom”. As usual, Twitter and my PLN didn’t disappoint and below is a Storify record of all of the ideas shared. Phenomenal.
So this is me now sharing it back via the blog. Thanks so much for all of the ideas everyone! “Schamazing” – as @JulesDaulby described ‘Notability’.
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