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Pinterest for teachers

By May 29, 201324 Comments


Pinterest for teachers

Pinterest for education

Pinterest of interest?

As a topic, Pinterest for teachers in education has been giving me some thought for some time. Having been lured to Pinterest a while ago, the more I use it the more I can see Pinterest for teachers being of use, but also Pinterest for students too. In my somewhat limited experience so far, Pinterest for teachers could be of use for lots of different reasons, such as resources, connecting with others and as part of your continuing professional development. Having used it in lessons too a number of times now, it is a great tool, sometimes better than searching on Google, for finding relevant research material on topics.

Pinterest for Teachers:

A great place to find lesson ideas, thoughts on topics, amazing images to go with your presentations, printable classroom resources – it’s all here. All you have to do is search for it. You can use it yourself too to curate content; organise ideas; collaborate with others; share your classroom ideas; promote your own work or blog; stay on top of current trends; create a board with class resources so students know what they need; swap lesson plans; use community boards to group project ideas; get feedback on your ideas; the list continues! You could put specific images in to a board that relate to a particular topic for students to grab and annotate or use in their work. Pinterest is a great place for inspiration too. Have a look at some of the classroom wall displays on there and see if you aren’t inspired with some refreshing ideas!

Here are a few ‘Pinners’ I recommend following to get you started:

If you want to find out more, I’d recommend having a look around, there’s lots to do and find out. Here are some stats on Pinterest (and guess where I found them?).

Pinterest learning




If you’re using Pinterest yourself in line with your work as a teacher, I’d love to hear how you’re using it in the comments. Or do you think it’s a waste of time!?

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.


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