It’s a great opportunity to recharge your batteries after a busy half term. Term 5 is always the busiest term for me. Coursework, exam preparations, all of it… it makes for a very busy period. I have always thought though that making time to make yourself happy and those around you is super important. So here are some of my top tips for keeping yourself happy!
Smile – it’s true that smiling actually releases endorphins in your brain such as serotonin. That’s one of the happy neurotransmitters that kick off in your brain and can make you feel better. Smiling at others too is a great way to make them feel happy too. Try it. A good morning Nina or a question followed with a smile is really good too. It makes you and others feel better. It only takes a single smile to stop a thousand tears, so someone said.
Sunshine – as the weather starts to get better, try taking your students outside. Difficult in my subject given desktops are at desks, but with some many mobile devices available why not try organising some outside learning. A QR code treasure hunt. Video recording. There are lots of benefits from learning outside. One of these is that it can improve your vitamin D levels and helps reduce against SAD (seasonal affective disorder) – as luck would have it, it also increases your serotonin levels. Win!
#PhonehomeFriday – I try and make sure that I end my week by making a load of positive phone calls home. It can make someones week and it certainly helps me to go home happy. Try #phonehomefriday for yourself!
Communicate – believe it or not, saying thank you is one of the most powerful things you can say to someone to show your gratitude. Say it lots. Say it often.
If you’re looking for some ideas yourself too, then why not try Dave Keeling’s ‘Little Book of Laughter‘.
I love this Mark! Made me smile
Thanks Jo! More serious posts upcoming albeit happiness is important. We do a tough job!