What’s your teaching highlight? I read a blog post last night by the brilliant @cazzypot from a tweet I’d seen on Twitter from @cherrylkd. The post had been about a trip to Shakespeare’s birthplace in Stratford-upon-Avon. I’d urge you to read it. It’s a goodie. In the conversation which followed she mentioned the following:
@ITLWorldwide @cherrylkd It was a highlight of my teaching career.
— cazzypot (@cazzypot) October 15, 2014
It got the three of us thinking that some post with teachers sharing their best teaching experiences would be a good thing. It would be something energising for those that read them and something that would showcase some of the best of our profession. It’s moments like these that make our job so very special.
Therefore, would you like to share a story of one of your teaching highlights? I am happy to blog it here or if you wanted to you could just post it on your own blog. We thought a hashtag of #teachinghighlight would be appropriate. It’s clearly an established hashtag already if you click the link.
#Teachinghighlight when you see in the face of a pupil the visible signs of the 'got it '-moment and he/she tells you:'Now I get it.' <3
— Stallie (@carostal) March 1, 2012
I will write my own post separate from this one. I couldn’t not. I’m reliably informed that @cherrylkd is writing one and a few teachers have contacted me already to share some of their stories. I’m really looking forward to reading them. Please contact me via Twitter if you’d like to share.
Great idea – and I can think of so many! Interestingly, many of the most vivid memories are connected with extra-curricular activities – doing the choreography for an amazing production of West Side Story in my second school; introducing (and really enjoying alongside many of the teaching and support staff) an annual staff pantomime to entertain the pupils in the school where I was a head; accompanying a drama trip to Greece and watching the students perform drama they’d devised on the beach as the sun went down….
But one recent highlight was at Northern Rocks when I was sitting in Debra Kidd’s session and a voice behind me said, “Mrs Berry…..?” It belonged to someone I taught in the sixth form in my first year as a Head of English 25 years ago, now a Head of English herself….