So it would appear that it really is the season to be jolly – I was overwhelmed (and a little late it would seem) to find out yesterday that my blog has been nominated for the Best EdTech blog in the 2011 Edublog awards.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank, @ICTMagic (Martin Burnett), @Learningspy (David Didau), @SheliBB (Sheli Blackburn) and @MattFothergill (you can guess his name) for nominating me in the first place. Thank you!The only time I’ve ever won an award for things that I have done was back in yesteryear when I was a DJ and I won a DJ competition – that was great fun but this is a completely different proposition. I first started this blog as just a way of sharing all of the cool stuff I had found that I thought others might like to use in their classrooms too. It’s expanded from that place now, but essentially, my blog does that really. I certainly wasn’t looking for any recognition of any kind, just to pass on the things that I find inspire and engage young people in assisting with their learning journey.
When I look through the other people who have been shortlisted too, I’m just completely blown away by the class and quality of the other educators who are listed there. It’s a little bit daunting!
That said… here goes – if you think my blog is worthy, or if you’ve found something here which has helped you? I’d really appreciate it if you’d vote for me.
You can vote for me in the EdTech category here: