Guest blog post by @gavinsmart
Tim Rylands seminar at the SWGFL conference was a truly invigorating, inspiring and engaging journey through a range of ideas to use ICT in the classroom to inspire the learners and to make the learning journey more engaging, enjoyable and most importantly inspiring. The seminar focused on a range of Web2 tools and software (most of it FREE), hand-held devices, games and more.
The seminar started virtually the day before with a request from @timrylands for anybody attending to bring a smart phone lighter. All will come apparent later on.
This set a little bit of awe and wonder about the treats that may be in store for the enthusiastic and optimistic delegates who had been waiting all day for the last of the seminar sessions. So much excitement boiled over at one stage when @ICTEvangelist rushed to the front of the seminar room to proudly occupy the front row. After a slight delay (due to technical difficulties) the seminar kicked off. I can honestly say that good (outstanding) things come to those who wait!
Tim started with an excellent but amazing under estimated use of ICT, a blog with all the links to every website that he used in his presentation! Gone are the days of pen and paper, especially at an ICT conference. The delegates were equipped with (virtual) lighters and iPads ready to be enthused.
Tim stressed that ‘Fascination is a tool that can be easily neglected. This digital world, when mixed with the analogue, brings such potential for communication.’
‘Technology is not the only answer… but, it does open up some remarkable opportunities, to extend teaching and learning styles.’
This feeling towards the potential that technology in the classroom has was shared by all delegates and all left inspired, enthusiastic and landed back at school the following day clutching a number of new exciting ways to inspire learners.
All of the websites, apps and other uses of ICT that Tim demonstrated can be viewed at – a few highlights include:
Isle of tune
A range of avatar makers
Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming – MindMeister
Many more can be seen at Tim’s blog. Overall an inspiring seminar, which left the delegates, excited about returning to school!
You can find out more about Tim Rylands at @timrylands and also his website where you can also follow links to his blog, where some pictures of the delegates with enjoyment written all over their faces can be seen.
A guest post by @gavinsmart
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